Thursday, December 18, 2008


Hi All!

We've officially moved into our new cyber house. I had some time to work on it since the little one is at home sick today :(. Now that she's at her new school, she's adjusting to a whole new set of germs. She's also adjusting to new dietary options. We don't give her much sugar at home, and since they don't drain the fruit cups at school like we do (obsessive, I know!), the sugary syrup messes with her tummy a bit. She also had a wicked cough, so we took a sick trip to the doctor.

We saw a new pediatrician at her office, and he was awesomely thorough. You get doctors these days who act a little like their herding cattle. This one sat down, and even chatted it up with Kenn before examining her!

Tonight, we'll probably add on to the Christmas decor in our house. I'll let you know how it goes!

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