Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008!

This year has been filled with some major events, both in the Brazile household and all over the world. As we reflect on lessons learned and the milestones we were blessed to see, we look ahead to 2009 with hope, anticipation of great things to come and the relief of leaving some things behind.

The resolution of the Brazile household this year is simple: to separate our lives into that which we'll make time for, and that which we won't. This will encompass everything from more travel and healthier lifestyles to spending more time with Kenn and watching her grow.

We can't wait to take you on this fantastic ride with us as we move and shake our way through what will be an amazing year! The best is yet to come...have an awesomely reflective day, and a rocking new year!!! Stay tuned!


The Braziles

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