Monday, January 5, 2009

Hello 2009!

Happy New Year everyone!

I am assuming most of us are back to work as usual! KB and I SO enjoyed having some time off. We had a play date while Kenn was in school that involved trips to the grocery store, the mall (roamed aimlessly)and TJ Maxx HomeGoods. For grown ups, that was a great day, haha!

The highlight of my time off was our FIRST FAMILY PICTURE since Kenn was 6 weeks old! We never got around to taking one, so I spent lots of time roaming closets to design the perfect looks for everyone, and literally fought with Kenn for an hour to do her hair. On the way to the studio, I encouraged KB to practice his smile. He has a great one, but usually, his pictures either make it look as if he's squinting or he does this partial mouth closed/ lips parted grin. He tried REALLY hard, as he let me know before we viewed the pictures...this is the outcome:

Can't say I loved it right away...In fact, I was a little peeved that EVERY picture looked exactly the same. But, the more I look at it, the more endearing it becomes... :)

Stay tuned for more news in la Casa de Brazile!

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